Product News and Recalls

FDA diabetes drug review is controversial

According to U.S. News and World Report, the Food and Drug Administration’s decision to reevaluate the diabetes drug Avandia is proving controversial, with some detractors accusing the agency of unnecessarily wasting taxpayer resources.

Avandia was once a top-selling medication for its manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline. But a 2007 study concluded that it raised the risk of heart attack by more than 40 percent. As a result, the FDA imposed restrictions on Avandia in ...

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Man with traumatic brain injury awarded settlement

According to British newspaper the Mansfield and Ashfield Chad, a 26-year-old man left disabled from birth because of a traumatic brain injury has successfully sued for damages.

Although the amount is undisclosed, the story says the equivalent of millions of dollars have been awarded in similar cases.

The man’s mother filed the lawsuit on his behalf. According to the story, he was deprived of oxygen during his birth at King’s Mill Hospital ...

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Fungal meningitis presents danger of relapse

A deadly fungal meningitis outbreak apparently caused by tainted medication may present yet another hazard for patients, according to a NBC News story.

Officials with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report a relapse in an 80-year-old man who developed meningitis last year.

The CDC officials wrote of that case in a recent edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.

According to the CDC, the outbreak has read more.... --> continue reading...

Inspectors ignored complaints at building collapse site

For three weeks, Philadelphia city inspectors failed to look into reports of shoddy demolition work at the site of a deadly building collapse, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.

A four-story brick wall at 22nd and Market streets fell into an adjoining Salvation Army store on June 5, killing six people and injuring 14.

The Griffin Campbell Construction Co., the company carrying out the project, ignored Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards that ...

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Diabetes drugs Byetta, Januvia generating lawsuits

A New York Times story about the link between certain diabetes drugs and pancreatic cancer, says that more than 100 lawsuits have been filed. According to the report, more than 575 plaintiffs around the country are claiming injury from Byetta, and more than 40 claim Januvia caused pancreatic cancer.

Meanwhile, Dr. Peter C. Butler, an internationally renowned diabetes expert who first sounded health warnings about the link is standing up to ...

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Lawyers worried about regulatory change for hip implants

The leading plaintiff trial lawyers association has expressed concerns to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that a proposed regulatory change might prevent people injured by faulty all-metal hip implants from suing the manufacturers for damages.

The implants in question, such as those manufactured by Johnson & Johnson’s DePuy Orthopaedics subsidiary, have both a ball and a socket coated in a ...

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