Birth injuries typically occur when a medical professional deviates from standard procedure or fails to recognize potential danger to the child or mother during the birthing process. Doctors, nurses and hospital staff are required to follow strict regulations in monitoring vital signs and taking all necessary precautions to help prevent injuries during birth. They should be knowledgeable and trained to watch for and identify problems during labor and delivery, which may indicate that the baby is in trouble and needs help. Without quick action, a baby can lose valuable oxygen and suffer brain damage that causes cerebral palsy and other devastating life-long conditions. Recovering from the financial difficulties brought about by such conditions can require the assistance of a birth injury attorney.
The implications of these injuries are different for every child. Cerebral palsy, for example, can vary in seriousness from loss of some muscle control to quadriplegia and life on a ventilator. Shoulder dystocia damages the brachial plexus nerve that leads into the arm and can cause temporary injuries or permanent damage to the arm. Failure to perform a C-section can cause serious brain damage and even death.
Treatment of babies who have suffered traumatic injuries during labor and delivery can include emergency care, neonatal intensive care, long term medical care, physical therapy, and special education. This extensive treatment can be a continuous, long-term process that can be a major financial burden to their families. Children with severe birth injuries may never be capable of caring for themselves, and the cost of providing for their security and procuring the best possible quality of life for them can be astronomical, as well as emotionally devastating.
The birth injury attorneys at Lopez McHugh have years of experience providing birth injury victims across the country with the kind of professional legal representation that gets results. We specialize in medical malpractice lawsuits and birth injury lawsuits, and we have expert physicians available who can evaluate your specific case. We work closely with clients to build the strongest case possible, and we are confident that when we take on a case, everything possible will be done to achieve the compensation deserved.
If your child suffers from a birth injury that you believe is the result of medical malpractice, we will be happy to talk with you to answer your questions and determine if the injury is related to events at birth. Please contact us online or call us at 877-737-8525 for a free consultation. We represent clients in birth injury lawsuits in California and nationwide.
See Also:
Cerebral Palsy
Erb’s Palsy