Product News and Recalls

The Dangers of Compounding Pharmacies

When a patient needs a medication that is not ordinarily found on the market, a physician may send a prescription to a compounding pharmacy to have a customized medication created. Most of these businesses are small operations, but some have expanded in scope, leading them to supply bulk quantities to hospitals and physicians across the country.

Unlike pharmaceutical companies, compounding pharmacies do not have to register with the FDA and undergo regular inspections. They are licensed and overseen by state pharmacy ...

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Lance v. Wyeth decision calls in to question “Learned Intermediary” doctrine

Over 40 years ago, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court adopted a legal standard known as the learned intermediary doctrine. Under this standard, a drug manufacturer has a duty to warn doctors–but not patients–about risks associated with prescription medication. The theory is that the doctor, who knows the individual characteristics of her patients, makes an individualized risk/benefit analysis with the patient. In a lot of cases, this makes sense. Back when doctors had time to individually counsel patients, the necessary information about ...

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Medical Malpractice Lawyers Seeing a Change in the Counties Around Philadelphia

Medical malpractice lawyers are noting a recent trend in medical malpractice cases in the counties surrounding Philadelphia county. Historically, these counties have been very difficult for malpractice plaintiffs–so difficult, that even when doctors agree that significant malpractice occurred, it has been difficult to win at trial. Cases that arise in Philadelphia County, in contrast, have long had a better chance of success when malpractice has occurred.

Over the last several months, however, injured individuals have been successful in wining medical malpractice ...

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Why Lance decision is not novel nor judicial over-reach

If you practice in mass torts or the area of dangerous drugs, you’ve probably heard about the recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision Lance v. Wyeth. The decision has generated a lot of commentary from lawyers, and even some popular media attention, but the decision is not as novel or far-reaching as some have claimed.

The reason we make this claim stems from the factual premise relied on by the Court, and concessions made by the Defendant. Before we dive ...

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Merck to Settle NuvaRing Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Lawsuits

On Friday, February 7, 2014, Merck & Co announced that it is willing to pay $100 million to settle all NuvaRing intrauterine contraceptive device lawsuits.

The NuvaRing contraceptive is a flexible ring that releases the hormones estrogen and progestin in order to prevent pregnancy. NuvaRing has been associated with an increased risk of forming blood clots, which can in turn cause heart attacks, strokes, even death. An FDA report released in 2011 announced that NuvaRing posed a higher risk for blood ...

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New Testosterone Therapy Warnings Issued

The Food and Drug Administration recently issued a statement regarding testosterone therapy warnings after a series of studies were published about the risks linked with these drugs. The FDA announced that it is investigating whether testosterone replacement therapy puts users at an increased risk for heart attack, stroke, and death. At this time the FDA has not announced any conclusions, but has advised people using the products to consult with their physicians. The FDA is also advising health ...

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