Product News and Recalls

Lopez McHugh’s Marilyn Wass Speaks with Legal Talk Network

Lopez McHugh Senior Paralegal Marilyn Wass spoke with Legal Talk Network’s Vicki Voisin during a recent segment of Paralegal Voice. As Voisin describes, “being a senior paralegal for a firm like Lopez McHugh is one of the most prestigious positions in the paralegal world.” The two used the time to discuss Wass’ beginnings and the progression of her career, the challenges she faces in her day-to-day work, and the technological and other tools used at ...

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With Power Morcellation Under Scrutiny, What Are the Other Options?

Power morcellation was, until recently, considered a reasonable option for women seeking treatment for uterine fibroids. Amidst FDA warnings and various recalls, this option has been largely advised against. An article in the Wall Street Journal discusses the alternatives to power morcellation that are available to women that want to avoid this risky procedure.

Laparoscopic power morcellators are currently being investigated regarding their potential risk in spreading cancerous tumors in women. ...

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Study Finds a Third of Knee Replacements Questionable

one third of knee replacements not appropriate based on new studyKnee replacement surgery is a decision that warrants serious consideration. While necessary in some cases, the procedure is risky and can cause severe complications. CNN reports of a Virginia Commonwealth University study that suggests that one third of knee replacement procedures were not appropriate according to current medical criteria.

Researchers analyzed imaging and patient records in 175 knee replacement surgeries out of more ...

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Heart Doctors May Be Overstating Benefits of Procedures for Stable Chest Pain

Patients expect their doctor to provide them with all the information necessary to make educated decisions about their health. However, questions have been raised about whether cardiologists sometimes overstate the benefits of an invasive procedure for chronic angina.

Angina leads to chest pain when there is a lack of oxygen-rich blood in the heart due to clogged arteries. An invasive procedure, called a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), is sometimes used to alleviate symptoms ...

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California Proposition 46 Would Allow Patients to Hold Negligent Doctors Responsible for Injuries

The LA Times recently reported on a California ballot initiative that seeks to raise caps on medical malpractice damages for pain and suffering and to require physicians to undergo drug testing. The initiative, known as Proposition 46, seeks to raise the nearly forty–year-old cap on non-economic damages in medical negligence cases from $250,000 to $1.1 million. Going forward, the cap would be indexed to inflation.

Those supporting the initiative seek to modify a law that has ...

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Litigation Surrounding Xarelto May Expand to Mass Tort Level in Philadelphia

Lawsuits are being filed over the use of the blood-thinning drug Xarelto and, although it is early in the litigation, lawyers believe there may be a substantial number of cases filed in the future. Some Xarelto lawyers are looking to create a Philadelphia mass tort program for the Xarelto lawsuits as the numbers of cases continues to grow. A recent story in The Legal Intelligencer notes that cases are being filed against a Johnson & ...

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