Posts Tagged 'diabetes'

Researchers find possible explanation for memory loss linked with drugs

Researchers at the University of Arizona have announced a discovery that may eventually help explain the memory loss associated with Lipitor and other drugs in the popular class of cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins.

A news release from the university notes that physicians and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continue to document reports of patients experiencing fuzzy thinking and memory loss while taking statins.

The FDA has gone so far as to ...

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Statin risks may outweigh benefits for older patients

A clinical study has Australian researchers questioning whether the risks of anti-cholesterol drugs called statins may outweigh the benefits for older patients, according to a report in The Conversation.

According to the report, common side effects from statins such as Lipitor include abdominal pain, nausea, muscle pain and/or weakness, and liver damage.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has added warnings to the labels of Lipitor and other ...

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Statins may cause risk of muscular injury

A new study has concluded that the class of cholesterol-lowering medications known as statins, which include Lipitor, may put users at greater risk of muscular injury.

A story in The Telegraph quotes researcher Dr. Ishak Mansi of the North Texas Health Care System in Dallas as saying: “Musculoskeletal conditions, arthropathies, injuries and pain are more common among statin users than among similar non-users. The full spectrum of statins’ musculoskeletal adverse events ...

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Study: Lipitor diabetes risk higher than some other statins

While a recent study by Canadian researchers found a link between certain types of statins and Type 2 diabetes, the news wasn’t universally bad for users of the popular anti-cholesterol drugs.

A story in U.S. News and World Report says the researchers identified stronger statins including Lipitor as problematic.

But other types of statins performed more favorably in terms of diabetes. Study authors wrote that some forms of the drugs may even ...

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Investors cautioned against Merck

An item on investing blog Seeking Alpha advises readers not to own stock in the pharmaceutical company Merck, in part because of safety risks associated with its products.

The item mentions a recent study published in the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers concluded that a type of drugs for type 2 diabetes called GLP-1 atagonists, which include Merck’s Januvia and Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Byetta, double a patient’s chances of developing pancreatitis. ...

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Doctor trying to spread word about diabetes drug risk

The New York Times reports on the efforts of Dr. Peter C. Butler, an internationally recognized diabetes expert described as a “crusader” for his attempts to warn about an apparent link between certain medications and potentially deadly pancreas ailments.

The report says Butler’s involvement in the issue began when he did a study on behalf of pharmaceutical manufacturer Merck, to test the effectiveness of its drug Januvia in treating diabetes.

When Butler ...

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