Product News and Recalls

Johnson & Johnson Announces New Warnings For Extra Strength Tylenol

Risks of Liver Damage and Death Form Basis for Concern

Johnson & Johnson has announced that, beginning in October, bottles of Extra Strength Tylenol sold in the U.S. will be accompanied by new warnings and instructions. The warning will make it explicitly clear that the drug contains acetaminophen, a pain-relieving ingredient that is the nation’s leading cause of sudden liver failure. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug ...

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Study Suggests Lipitor-Diabetes Risk Higher For Women

Lipitor, an anti-cholesterol drug manufactured by Pfizer, has been under fire for allegations that it increases the risk of women developing diabetes. The drug, which belongs to the class of cholesterol-lowering medications called statins, has been linked by numerous researchers to higher rates of diabetes.

In 2010, an epidemiological analysis of 13 statin trials recognized that statins significantly increase the risk for diabetes. The authors analyzed data from ...

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AARP Study Investigates Pfizer’s Tactics on Lipitor

A recent study done by the AARP Public Policy Institute addressed pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s marketing tactics regarding Lipitor, a statin cholesterol medication. Having benefited from 14 years of patent protection, and massive profits, Pfizer has been looking for ways to block the generic form of its prescription drug, Lipitor, from entering the market in the face of patent expiration.

As part of its efforts to delay the release of generic Lipitor to the market, ...

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Fracking Linked to Earthquakes

A new study published by Engineering and Technology Magazine has found a strong correlation between fracking and the recent drastic increase in seismic activity in the State of Ohio. The study found that the rise in the number of recorded earthquakes in Ohio coincided with the rise of fracking activity.

Records dating back to 1776 had never recorded an earthquake in Youngstown, Ohio, but since January of 2011, 109 earthquakes have been measured in the area. ...

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GTx Drug to Treat Muscle Wasting Fails to Meet Late-Stage Requirements

A drug designed to treat cancer-induced muscle wasting has failed its late-stage development trials. A story by Reuters reports that the drug, named enobosarm, did not meet its requirements to improve body mass and physical function in cancer patients. The manufacturer, GTx Inc, will therefore not be receiving FDA approval for its new drug.

Enobosarm was tested on about 650 patients with non-small cell lung cancer and did not meet any of the pre-specified ...

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Pradaxa Linked with Increased Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleeding

A new study shows the use of the anti-coagulant known as Pradaxa is associated with a significant increase in the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. The increased risk is compared to traditional or standard treatment with drugs such as enoxaparin, warfarin, antiplatelet therapy, or no therapy (placebo).

The study analyzed 17 randomized controlled trails and found an increased risk for gastrointestinal bleeding for patients taking newer anti-coagulants versus the more traditional treatments. Although there was a ...

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