Posts Tagged 'pelvic organ prolapse'

Vaginal mesh study halted because of health risks

One criticism that plaintiffs in widespread lawsuits have leveled against transvaginal mesh implants is that the devices were approved without clinical testing.

According to a story in the New York Times, researchers actually did attempt a clinical test, but had to discontinue it early because so many participants were suffering potentially dangerous complications.

Transvaginal mesh implants are sling-like devices meant to treat urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. The lawsuits are based ...

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Questions to ask doctor about urinary incontinence

According to the Mayo Clinic, your time with your doctor is limited when you’re seeking treatment for urinary incontinence. So the clinic has prepared a list of questions that you may want to bring to an appointment, and ask your doctor.

The clinic says urinary incontinence is not a dangerous condition, but it can be inconvenient and embarrassing for patients who suffer from it.

Fortunately, it’s treatable – although some treatments can ...

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Preparation important for urinary incontinence treatment

The Mayo Clinic says you’re likely to start by seeing your family doctor or a general practitioner if you’re seeking treatment for urinary incontinence, although you may be referred immediately to a urologist or a urogynecologist if you are a woman.

It’s a good idea to start out well-prepared because appointments can be brief and because there’s often a lot of ground to cover, so the clinic provides some information to ...

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Urinary incontinence causes complications

Urinary incontinence, while not life-threatening, can be an embarrassing and inconvenient condition.

And according to the Mayo Clinic, it also comes with a number of complications. Fortunately, the condition is treatable. Although some treatments carry problems of their own.

Transvaginal mesh implants, for example, are marketed for treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. But the devices have prompted thousands of lawsuits due to their tendency to fail and read more.... --> continue reading...

Risk factors for urinary incontinence

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are a number of risk factors for urinary incontinence.

Although urinary incontinence can be a distressing and inconvenient condition, it is treatable with options that include surgery, medication and physical therapy.

But some treatments, such as transvaginal mesh implants, can cause difficulties greater than the urinary incontinence itself.

The implants, marketed for treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, have prompted thousands of lawsuits due to ...

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Many potential causes of urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence can be an embarrassing condition that often involves some inconvenient lifestyle changes.

But according to the Mayo Clinic, it’s sometimes a result of easily treatable medical conditions. Those conditions include:

Urinary tract infection: Infections can irritate your bladder, causing you to have strong urges to urinate. These urges may result in episodes of incontinence, which may be your only warning sign of a urinary tract infection. Other possible signs and ...

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