
March 2012 Yaz/Beyaz Settlement Update

The Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia has delayed trial deadlines in the cases over Yaz/Yasmin/Beyaz birth control for another 60 days. This puts the deadlines in Philadelphia on par with the U.S. District Court, which issued an order extending deadlines on Feb. 29.

Judge Sandra Moss announced the latest extension on March 9, 2012, referencing the District Court order, which will allow the parties in the case more time to negotiate.

Lopez McHugh is representing multiple plaintiffs against Bayer Healthcare, ...

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Bayer expects new drugs to generate billions

German corporation Bayer has announced that its four most promising drugs, led by newly-launched anti-clotting pill Xarelto, may account for combined annual sales of as much as $6.5 billion, according to a Reuters report.

The report says Bayer’s healthcare division is aiming for sales of roughly $26.2 billion in 2014, up from $22.4 billion last year.

The company said prescription drug sales were set to rise to about $15 billion by 2014, up 16 percent from 2011, fueled largely by new product ...

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Study: Temporary increased cancer risk from hormonal birth control

Medpage Today reports about a South African study that found a temporary increased risk of breast and cervical cancer associated with hormone contraceptives.

According to the study, women who recently used an injectable or oral hormone contraceptive were about 1.7 times more likely to develop breast cancer and 1.4 times more likely to develop cervical cancer than women who never used them, but the risk disappeared a few years after the women stopped taking the medication.

Numerous studies have also linked certain ...

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Report spotlights Bayer birth control controversy

The National, an English-language newspaper published in the United Arab Emirates, published an account on March 12 of the controversy surrounding birth control pills that contain the synthetic hormone drospirenone.

Such pills include Yasmin, Yaz, Ocella and Beyaz, manufactured by Bayer.

The report mentions the U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel that met in December to vote on whether the benefits of the medications outweigh the risks, and eventually voted 15-11 to keep the medications on the market.

But subsequent investigations by the ...

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Medical journalist warns of deceptive practices

Medical investigative journalist Jeanne Lenzer has written a piece for the Website Reporting on Health, warning consumers about the stealth advertising techniques that the healthcare industry frequently uses to promote its products.

According to Lenzer, public relations professionals representing the industry frequently pay physicians or other medical professionals to endorse products or services, under the guise of making an independent and unconditional recommendation.

Other tactics include paying professional or patient advocacy groups to make a certain endorsement, and even creating such groups, ...

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Costs keep women from using birth control devices

Devices such as IUDs are the most effective means of birth control, but few women use them because of the up-front costs, according to a story from the San Francisco Chronicle on Friday.

The story reports a wide range of costs for birth control among uninsured women, from $9 a month for generic pills to $90 a month for some newer brands. And getting a doctor to insert long-term devices such as IUDs can cost anywhere from $600 to $1,000.

According to ...

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