Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit

Risk factors for urinary incontinence

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are a number of risk factors for urinary incontinence.

Although urinary incontinence can be a distressing and inconvenient condition, it is treatable with options that include surgery, medication and physical therapy.

But some treatments, such as transvaginal mesh implants, can cause difficulties greater than the urinary incontinence itself.

The implants, marketed for treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, have prompted thousands of lawsuits due to ...

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Pa. state employee tried to warn of kickbacks

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that an investigator employed by the state of Pennsylvania twice tried to warn that state employees were getting kick-backs from pharmaceutical companies.

Both times, according to the Inquirer, Pennsylvania state government officials dismissed Allen Jones and his information. In Texas, however, the attorney general used Jones’ information to obtain a $158 million payment from Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen subsidiary, manufacturer of the antipsychotic drug Risperdal.

The company offered ...

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Critics: EU medical device plan falls short

European Union officials are considering more stringent regulations for medical devices. But according to a report on MedPage Today, some European health advocates complain that the proposed regulations wouldn’t go far enough.

The report quotes Andrew Boulton, MD, president of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, as saying: “We feel the proposals are a step in the right direction but we need many more steps to address patient safety.”

The ...

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Concerns about FDA fast-track process

A story in The Scientist magazine says some medical professionals are concerned about health risks attendant with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s heavy reliance on the fast-track review process for new medications.

The Scientist cites an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which states that the FDA fast-tracked nearly half of all the 35 drugs it reviewed in 2011.

Among them was the blood thinner dabigatran, sold ...

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Mesh implants prompt class action suit in Australia

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reports on a class action lawsuit that Johnson & Johnson faces in Australia over the company’s transvaginal mesh implants.

According to the report, the mesh devices have caused “life-changing harm” for a significant number of the women who received them because of their tendency to erode in patients’ bodies.

The implants are sling-like devices designed to treat urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, which ...

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Insurers want reimbursement for medical device costs

Insurance companies, which often end up on the hook for expenses when a medical device fails, are pursuing legal action to recoup more of the health services costs from manufacturers.

According to a Reuters report, the biggest recalls can lead to billions of dollars in expenses, and medical device makers are already worried about weaker global demand for many of their products and the impact of a new U.S. tax on ...

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