Protect Your Rights

Lawmaker Grandstanding Puts Us All at Risk

In recent weeks, we have taken the unusual step of publicly calling attention to specific pieces of newly proposed legislation. And, in a world where everything from your choice of cereal to the shoes on your feet can somehow be construed into being some sort of political statement, it is easy to see those posts and public callouts as a taking of sides of sort.

However, at its core, it is important to remember that the law knows – or should ...

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Access to Justice Under Assault in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania legislature is working on a bill which, on its surface, may sound great to many: a cut in property taxes. What people may not understand is that the supposed relief will come at a very high cost, including higher personal income and sales taxes. Additionally, school districts that are in debt will be able to continue to charge residents property taxes for years to come, despite the higher and expanded taxes implemented to make up for ...

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Protect your rights!

This week, the House will vote on a series of bills that will make it difficult – if not impossible – for Americans that have been harmed to seek justice in our nation’s courts. Among other measures, Congress is pushing legislation that will make lawsuits brought by injured patients, nursing home residents, and their families nearly impossible to pursue.

The so-called “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017” [H.R. 1215] will rig the system against individuals and ...

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