This week, the House will vote on a series of bills that will make it difficult – if not impossible – for Americans that have been harmed to seek justice in our nation’s courts. Among other measures, Congress is pushing legislation that will make lawsuits brought by injured patients, nursing home residents, and their families nearly impossible to pursue.
The so-called “Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017” [H.R. 1215] will rig the system against individuals and tip the scales in favor of the health care and insurance industries. In short, these bills seek to prevent medical care providers who commit medical negligence from being held accountable for the injuries and damages they cause.
If you agree that it is unacceptable for Congress to eliminate your rights to hold the parties that harmed you or your loved ones accountable, or that may do so in the future, tell your elected officials to stand up for you, your family, and your neighbors and VOTE NO on H.R.1215.
Take action today!
Your elected officials need to hear from you that you want to preserve your right to access the civil justice system. Take 2-3 minutes and use the link below to let your representatives know how you feel about H.R.1215 and the other bills that seek to increase the profits of the insurance industry by preventing victims of medical malpractice from letting a jury of their peers decide on what is fair and just.
Go to for an online tool that will allow you to automatically write or call your members of Congress. It is time to remind these representatives that they represent we the people, and not the industries that are backing H.R. 1215 and legislation like it.