Product Liability

Mentor ObTape Vaginal Sling causes pain and scarring

December 8, 2008 – The Mentor ObTape Vaginal Sling is a medical device used to treat female stress urinary incontinence. The device replaces eroded or weakened muscles in the urethra to support the bladder and reinforces the muscles that control the flow of urine from the body. Many women have had adverse reactions to this device, including impaired healing, vaginal extrusion, and urinary tract erosion. Women who have undergone implanting and removal of the device have suffered ...

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Medication for gout causes death and illness.

November 24, 2008 – Earlier this year, the FDA issued a warning to companies selling a drug called colchicine in injectsble form. Colchicine is an anti-inflammatory commonly used to treat gout and prevent gout attacks. It is approved by the FDA in its oral tablet form. However, some manufacturers have created an injectable version for the treatment of acute cases of gout. Injectable, intravenous colchicine is highly toxic and there is a very narrow margin between a safe ...

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Drug used for prevention of epileptic seizures can cause cardiac failure

October 30, 2008 – Propofol is an intravenous drug manufactured by AstraZeneca under the brand name Diprivan. It was originally designed for use as a general anesthetic during surgery or other procedures like intubation or ventilation. However, for years it has also been prescribed to prevent epileptic seizures in people who suffer from refractory status epilepticus (RSE). A recently completed study by the Mayo Clinic indicated that long-term use of the drug can cause propofol infusion syndrome, ...

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Chantix, designed to help quit smoking, found to cause mental problems, including thoughts of suicide.

October 10, 2008 – The drug Chantix is a medication used to help people stop smoking, but side effects have included anxiety, depression, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, and thoughts of or attempts at suicide. Between late 2006 and late 2007, there were 988 Chantix-related adverse events reported in the United States, more than any other drug during that period of time. Many of these adverse events involved diabetes, seizures, and heart problems. The Federal Aviation Administration has banned pilots ...

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Medicare looks to improve protection for patients by ending payments to hospitals for hospital mistakes

October 1, 2008 – Beginning on this date, hospitals will not be able to receive additional payment for cases in which a patient experiences an avoidable problem while under hospital care. Medicare has issued a list of Hospital-Acquired Conditions that includes foreign objects retained after surgery, incompatible blood products, falls and trauma, bedsores/decubitus ulcers, and more. Hopefully, this will provide additional financial incentive for hospitals to provide the best medical care possible. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ...

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Contaminated milk and milk chocolate products imported from China

September 30, 2008 – Manufacturers of products containing milk chocolate, such as Cadbury, Mars and Kraft Foods, have been recalling some products as a precautionary measure after learning that milk produced in China has been found to contain melamine.

Melamine is an industrial chemical that is high in nitrogen and used to make plastics. In an attempt to hide the protein deficiency of watered-down milk during quality testing, Chinese milk producers have added melamine. In China, baby formula and other dairy ...

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