
FDA warns about heart failure from drug

The FDA has notified healthcare professionals about a potential increased risk of heart failure from the drug pramipexole, which is sold under the brand name Mirapex.

Mirapex is a prescription medicine used to treat Parkinson’s disease and restless legs syndrome.

According to the FDA warning, recent studies suggest a possible increased risk of heart failure from Mirapex, requiring further review of available data. But because of the study limitations, the FDA isn’t ...

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Answers about treatment for Sept. 11-related cancer

An article in Newsday answers questions that readers might have about the 60 forms of cancer related to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks now covered through the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recently added certain forms of cancer to the fund, established in 2010 and named for police detective James Zadroga, who died after working at Ground Zero.

The list of covered cancers ...

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Pradaxa approval cited as result of flawed FDA process

An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association alleges that an effort by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to speed approval of new medicines has led to drugs making it onto the market without proper safety analysis.

The article specifically mentions the blood thinner Pradaxa, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The JAMA article is by Thomas J. Moore, who has written two books on drug safety and is ...

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Businessman purchases asbestos-coated map

According to a story in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, a businessman in Hanover, Pa., has purchased a 50-year-old electronic map illustrating the Battle of Gettysburg from the U.S. General Services Administration for $14,000.

The National Park Service sold the 12-ton, steel-and-plaster topographical map in an online auction. It had been part of a former visitors’ center that has since been razed, but was not included in a new center that ...

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Laser research looks at breaking up clots

An article on takes a look at research into using lasers to break up blood clots and prevent strokes.

According to the article, the challenge in that field of research is making the pulse of the laser strong enough to effectively bust up the clot without breaking the blood vessel walls.

In addition to lasers, the article says, several other mechanical means of removing clots have been tested, including an ultrasound ...

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Study: Job stress increases heart attack risk

A study published in the journal Lancet finds that job-related stress increases the risk of a heart attack.

According to an ABC News article about the study, a team of European researchers examined a total of 13 previous studies conducted between 1986 and 2006 evaluating job strain as a risk factor for heart attack and death.

Researchers found that people with highly demanding jobs who have little freedom to make decisions are ...

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