Product News and Recalls

New Graphite Material Poses Asbestos-Like Risk

Graphene is a relatively new material that has many observers excited about its potential uses in electronics and other applications. Some experts, however, are worried about potential adverse health effects in people who work with graphene. Graphene is made from graphite, which is a stable form of carbon. Graphene is made from a single layer of carbon atoms and is an extremely efficient conductor of heat and electricity.

According to a report published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, graphene nonoplatelets are small enough that they may penetrate lung tissue and lodge themselves deep in the lungs, similarly to asbestos. Like asbestos, our immune systems may not be able to effectively remove graphene from lung tissue, which could cause inflammation and other asbestos-like injuries.

Asbestos is a type of mineral fiber that occurs naturally in rock and soil. It has qualities that make it ideal for uses in construction as insulation and as a fire retardant. Unfortunately, when inhaled, asbestos has the potential to cause serious health conditions, including certain types of cancer.

People who are injured by dangerous materials used in consumer products or in a commercial setting may be able to obtain significant compensation for their injuries, particularly if manufacturers or employers do not conduct adequate testing or implement proper safety protocols. As a result, anyone who has developed an illness or injury after exposure to industrial materials should consider contacting an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss a potential case.

What are the Potential Complications of Graphene or Asbestos Inhalation?

Although there is little published material on graphene injuries, scientists have spent decades studying asbestos and its effect on the body. Asbestos inhalation has been associated with several different types of lung complications, including:

  • Asbestosis – This condition involves a scarring of lung tissue that develops as a result of the lungs attempting to expel asbestos fibers.
  • Mesothelioma – Mesothelioma is a cancer that is unique to people who have been exposed to asbestos.
  • Cancer – Lung, gastrointestinal, kidney, and larynx cancer have all been linked to asbestos exposure.
  • Diffuse pleural thickening – Thickening of the pleura has also been linked to asbestos exposure.

The latency period for developing these conditions after asbestos exposure can be several decades, often making it difficult to link the cause of the disease.

Discussing your case with an experienced personal injury attorney is the first step to getting the compensation you deserve. Call Lopez McHugh, LLP at (877) 737-8525 for help today.