A possible link between testosterone therapy and increased heart risks has prompted much debate recently. A recent Bloomberg news article talks about ongoing discussions over the safety and effectiveness of testosterone therapy drugs.
One study, published in January of 2014, showed that testosterone therapy may lead to an increased risk of heart attack in men aged 65 and older, as well as in younger men with a history of heart disease. Of a group of more than 8,000 men, testosterone supplements were found to raise cardiovascular risk, including the odds of heart attack, stroke or death, by 29 percent.
Expanding use of Testosterone Therapy Resulting in Large Profits for Pharmaceutical Companies
Testosterone therapy is a form of hormone replacement used to regulate low testosterone levels. The Bloomberg story cites estimates that about 2.3 million men used testosterone supplements last year. During that period, AbbVie Inc.’s sales of Androgel reached $1.04 billion. However, about 21 percent of the men being treated did not have laboratory evidence showing the treatments are needed, according to an analysis of data. In briefing documents, FDA staff members have called this data “particularly concerning.”
Other than AbbVie’s Androgel, other top selling testosterone therapies include Axiron from Eli Lilly & Co. which earned $170 million in sales last year and Auxilium Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s Testim gel and Testopel pellets which reached $271 million in sales for 2013.
Contact Lopez McHugh, LLP to Schedule a Free Consultation
If you feel you have been negatively affected by use of Androgel, Testim, or another prescription testosterone therapy, the testosterone lawyers at Lopez McHugh, LLP are actively consulting with men who have suffered serious, adverse health conditions due to use of prescription testosterone therapy. Call us today at (877) 737-8525 to discuss a possible testosterone lawsuit.