Posts Tagged 'Zoloft'

Lawmaker warns of crisis for newborns

U.S. Senator Charles Schumer of New York is calling for a nationwide effort to combat the problem of babies born addicted to prescription painkillers or other opiates, known as Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).

In a news release on the issue, Schumer cites a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), which found that approximately 3.4 of every 1,000 infants born in 2009 suffered from NAS. That amounts ...

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Women more likely than men to take antidepressants

Women are more likely than males to take antidepressants, according to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

That information was part of the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys for the years 2005 to 2008.

Among the findings:

  • Overall, 40 percent of women and 20 percent of men with severe depressive symptoms take antidepressant medication.
  • More than one-third of women with moderate depressive symptoms, and less than one-fifth of men with ...
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Author talks about overuse of antidepressants

In an interview with Metro New York, author Katherine Sharpe discusses some of the reasons behind what she sees as a widespread trend among American medical professionals to overprescribe antidepressants.

Sharpe is the author of Coming of Age on Zoloft, which deals with the experiences of young people trying to figure out who they are after spending their formative years on antidepressants.

When antidepressants first came onto the market, medical professionals tended ...

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Depression takes many different forms

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, clinical depression manifests itself in different ways. The types of symptoms – and their severity, frequency and duration – vary depending on the individual and his or her particular illness.

The treatments vary as well. NIMH says medication and psychotherapy are among the treatments that can be effective.

But some antidepressants come with inherent risks. A number of studies show that antidepressants classified as ...

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Doctor says heart defects require lifelong monitoring

According to an article by Keith Oken, M.D., cardiovascular diseases expert at the Mayo Clinic, congenital heart defects require ongoing monitoring. And that applies whether the defects are mild and require little medical treatment, or major and potentially life-threatening.

Oken gives this advice in response to a query from the parent of a six-year-old girl who had two heart defects — a ventricular septal defect and an atrial septal defect – ...

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Study links antidepressants to premature birth

According to a story on Medical Xpress, a study shows that the use of antidepressants may put women at higher risk of giving birth prematurely. But depression itself doesn’t appear to be a risk factor.

The results, reported May 25 online in the journal Epidemiology, found that taking antidepressants during pregnancy significantly increased risk of what is called a late preterm birth. According to Medical Xpress, late preterm birth is defined ...

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