Posts Tagged 'Zoloft'

Writer: Drug warning program fails to mention SSRI-birth defect link

In a piece in Canadian magazine Common Ground, University of Victoria drug policy researcher Alan Cassels questions whether pregnant women in Canada are getting adequate warnings about drugs they’re taking during pregnancy.

Cassels particularly takes issue with a Toronto-based program called Motherisk, touted as a source of “accurate and reliable information” for mothers-to-be about the potential risks of prescription drugs.

But Cassels writes that the program is sponsored by a drug company, ...

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Ventricular septal defect from malformed heart

The U.S. National Library of Medicine describes ventricular septal defect as one or more holes in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of the heart.

It’s one of the most common heart defects that occurs before birth.

According to the National Library, the right and left ventricles of its heart are not separate before a baby is born, but a wall forms to separate the two ventricles ...

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Author warns of antidepressant side effects

Kaitlin Bell Barnett, author of Dosed: The Medication Generation Grows Up, wrote a piece for Website PsychCentral about what she terms a “shocking lack of studies” concerning the relationship between antidepressant use and sexual dysfunction in young people.

Barnett writes that the drugs most famous for causing loss of libido and sexual dysfunction are the SSRI antidepressants, such as Prozac and Zoloft, which can cause loss of libido and problems with sexual arousal and orgasm.

Barnett points out that the connection between ...

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Study says antidepressants may create health risk

Antidepressants such as Zoloft may put middle-aged men at higher risk for heart attacks and stroke, according to Bloomberg.

Bloomberg reports a U.S. National Institutes of Health-funded study of 513 male twins, average age 55, which found those taking antidepressants including Zoloft had thicker blood vessel walls.

The report quotes the lead researcher as saying antidepressants may increase levels of brain chemicals including serotonin and norepinephrine, which could cause blood vessels ...

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Changing perceptions of antidepressants examined

In a recent piece for the New York Times Magazine, Columbia University Professor Siddhartha Mukherjee takes a look at the changing attitudes regarding the nature of clinical depression and its treatment.

Mukherjee observes that a class of anti-depressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), widely considered wonder drugs in the 1990s, now have a considerably diminished reputation.

“Fast forward to 2012 and the same antidepressants that inspired such enthusiasm have become ...

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Study questions safety of antidepressants

Researchers at McMaster University in Canada are questioning whether widely prescribed antidepressants do more harm than good. Their study is published in the online journal Frontiers in Psychology.

An article about the study in PsychCentral quotes lead author Dr. Paul Andrews as saying: “We need to be much more cautious about the widespread use of these drugs. It’s important because millions of people are prescribed antidepressants each year, and the conventional wisdom about these drugs is that they’re safe and effective.”

Most ...

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