Posts Tagged 'Yasmin'

Should Beyaz/Yaz be recalled?

Following close on the heels of the December 8, 2011 U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory panel vote on Yaz/Yasmin/Beyaz, the FDA is planning a new panel to examine the question of whether all-metal hip implants, plagued by a high failure rate and other health concerns, should remain on the market.

The FDA panel on birth control has already voted that Beyaz, Yaz, and other contraceptives containing the compound drospirenone should remain on the market. But in the opinion of many ...

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Women taking risks with black market birth control

Missouri television station KSDK cites a new study by the American Journal of Public Health, which says that more Latinas are crossing the border into Mexico for birth control pills. The study also found that undocumented immigrants are buying birth control on the black market.

Birth control is cheaper and more readily accessible in Mexico, where it’s sold over the counter.

The report quotes Dr. Jorge Galdamez of the San Ysidro Health Center as saying those women are taking a huge health ...

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Journalist raises concerns about Beyaz

In an entry for re:Cycling, the blog of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, journalist Holly Grigg-Spall questions the health claims that Bayer makes for its birth control pill Beyaz, a variation on the corporation’s top-selling Yaz contraceptive.

Grigg-Spall points out that Beyaz is essentially Yaz with addition of a B vitamin, supposedly to alleviate the possibility of pregnancy complications and birth defects from the original Yaz pill.

But Beyaz still contains drospirenone – the synthetic hormone that thousands of lawsuits against ...

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Physician warns of side effects from Ocella

An article on Website by physician Dr Pandula Siribaddana lists the side effects associated with birth control pill Ocella.

According to Siribaddana, Ocella is associated with some relatively inconsequential side effects such as weight gain and breast tenderness. But he writes that the pill can also cause blood clots. So women using it should be wary of the following symptoms associated with blood clots and seek immediate medical attention if they occur:

  • Loss or alteration of vision, hearing or speech.
  • A feeling ...
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Treatment for Blood Clots, Deep Vein Thrombosis, and Pulmonary Embolisms

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 60,000 to 100,000 Americans die each year from deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism.

Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in one of the larger, deeper veins. Pulmonary embolism occurs when part of the clot breaks off and migrates to the lungs.

The CDC say that medicines called anticoagulants, or blood thinners, are most commonly used to treat deep vein thrombosis. The name is a bit misleading, since the ...

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Tips to reduce risk of blood clots, DVT,and pulmonary embolisms

Blood clots that occur in larger, deeper veins can be dangerous. They can migrate to the heart, lungs or brain with potentially deadly consequences.

So what can you do to reduce your risk of developing a blood clot? The Mayo Clinic offers the following tips.

  • Avoid sitting for long periods. If you travel by airplane, walk the aisle periodically. For car trips, stop and walk around frequently.
  • Move. After you’ve had surgery or been on bed rest, the sooner you move, the better.
  • Change ...
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