Posts Tagged 'talc'

New Study Further Cements Talc/Cancer Link

link found between talc and cancerAs Johnson & Johnson continues to deny any wrongdoing in cases claiming talc powder’s link to ovarian cancer, a new study puts another nail in its coffin.

To say that the corporation vouches for the safety of talc, at least publicly, is a bit of an understatement. In a statement released by J&J, the company goes on the record as claiming that “with over 100 years of use, few ingredients have ...

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Jury Finds Definitive Link Between Johnson & Johnson Talc and Cancer

johnson and johnson covered up link between talc powder and cancerIn a first of its kind decision, a St. Louis jury not only found that evidence indicated that Johnson & Johnson talcum powder caused a woman’s fatal ovarian cancer but also that the company knew about the possible dangers associated with its use. The jury found that Johnson & Johnson completely failed to act on this information and was ordered to pay some $72 million ...

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