Posts Tagged 'septal heart defects'

Study: ‘Magnetic therapy’ for depression shows promise

A report in England’s Daily Mail mentions “magnetic therapy” — a promising new form of depression treatment that doesn’t involve brain-altering drugs or invasive procedures.

The report cites a study by researchers from the University of California Los Angeles, who tested NeuroStar TMS Therapy. The treatment works by beaming magnetic pulses through the skull, which trigger small electrical charges that spark brain cells.

Tests on more than 300 patients with severe depression ...

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Panel on mental illness manual criticized

A panel of psychiatrists charged with updating the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, is being criticized over delays, disorganization and secrecy, the Washington Post reports.

Some critics allege that panel members are too inclined to create an official diagnosis for symptoms or behaviors that don’t necessarily amount to mental disorders.

According to the report, the issue is important because the DSM plays an enormous role in diagnosing mental ...

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Doctor: Withdrawal during pregnancy a factor for SSRI use

In an entry for her blog “Child in Mind,” pediatrician Dr. Claudia Gold addresses the issue of pregnant women stopping antidepressants use because they’re concerned about birth defects.

Gold cites examples from the book Dosed: The Medication Generation Grows Up by Kaitlin Bell Barnett.

According to Gold, women who were started on the class of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, have a difficult choice if and when they decide ...

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Study aims to end guesswork in depression treatment

In a report for WABC out of New York, Dr. Jay Aldersberg writes of a major study involving doctors on five continents, which will examine the precise nature of clinical depression.

Researchers will look for blood and genetic markers for depression, and will even map and measure patients’ brains.

According to Aldersberg, the goal of the study is to eliminate a lot of the “guesswork” that’s currently a big part of depression ...

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Writer: Drug warning program fails to mention SSRI-birth defect link

In a piece in Canadian magazine Common Ground, University of Victoria drug policy researcher Alan Cassels questions whether pregnant women in Canada are getting adequate warnings about drugs they’re taking during pregnancy.

Cassels particularly takes issue with a Toronto-based program called Motherisk, touted as a source of “accurate and reliable information” for mothers-to-be about the potential risks of prescription drugs.

But Cassels writes that the program is sponsored by a drug company, ...

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Ventricular septal defect from malformed heart

The U.S. National Library of Medicine describes ventricular septal defect as one or more holes in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of the heart.

It’s one of the most common heart defects that occurs before birth.

According to the National Library, the right and left ventricles of its heart are not separate before a baby is born, but a wall forms to separate the two ventricles ...

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