Posts Tagged 'fujifilm medical systems'

Medical Scopes Continue to Cause Superbug Infections

contaminated medical scopes still causing infectionsThe last time we mentioned duodenoscopes and the risk of infection that comes with their use, the United States had a different president. Britain was still firmly in place as a part of the European Union and the first #metoo post hadn’t yet been posted to social media.

It was 2015, and in response to a number of infections and multiple deaths stemming from infections contracted from the use of unclean ...

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FDA Orders Duodenoscope Makers to Surveil Devices in Hospitals

fda orders new standards on duodenoscopesThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently ordered all three duodenoscope manufacturers marketing in the United States to conduct postmarket surveillance studies to assess how their devices are reprocessed (or cleaned) in “real-world settings.”

Duodenoscopes, a type of reusable medical device used in endoscopic procedures, have received a great deal of attention recently after being linked to several deaths and hundreds of infections at two ...

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