Posts Tagged 'ivf'

Lost Embryos and Traded Babies: Is it Time to Crack Down on the Fertility Industry?

Many assume that people the world over who are undergoing fertility treatment are drawn to the United States because of our medical facilities and the quality of our providers. And, while that may be part of the reason, recent cases have shown another that is vastly more insidious: our lack of regulation over the industry. And that lack of regulation may be starting to take its toll.

A 2020 study showed over 130 lawsuits filed between 2010 ...

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Fertility Clinic Mixups Leading to Upsetting Surprises

A couple having difficulty conceiving seeks the help of a fertility clinic to realize their dream of having a child. Eventually the treatments take, and the woman becomes pregnant after an in vitro fertilization procedure. The couple, who are both Caucasian, believe that the sperm and egg used in the procedure came from each of them and that the child being born would not only be theirs, but would be theirs genetically as well.

When the woman gave birth, the couple ...

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