Posts Tagged 'cipro'

Fluoroquinolones to Get Stronger Warning Labels

fluoroquinolones get tougher warning labelsAs fears of a surge in antibiotic resistant bacteria continue to grow, one class of drugs has been drawing attention for more immediate reasons. The drugs, known as fluoroquinolones, or FLQs; and marketed under familiar names like Levaquin, Cipro, Avelox, and Factive, have been linked to increased instances of peripheral neuropathy and other serious injuries.

Peripheral neuropathy is generally referred to as nerve damage. Patients experiencing peripheral neuropathy can suffer from ...

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Cipro, Z-Pack Linked with Acute Kidney Injury In Adult Men

A new study links serious renal side effects in men to antibiotics recognized as fluoroquinolones – more commonly known as Levaquin, Cipro and Avelox.

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) published an article in its June 2013 medical journal that warns patients of “the use of fluoroquinolones may lead to acute kidney injury.”

The study compiled men ranging from 40 to 85 years of age who were enrolled in the United States IMS Life Link Health Plan ...

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