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Keeping Kids Safe this Halloween

halloween safety tipsIn a world where screens and other aspects of digital life seem to take hold of children earlier and earlier, Halloween is one of those traditions that takes us back to a simpler time. It’s a night where kids can just be kids – roaming the neighborhood from door to door hoping to find the house that hands out full-size candy bars rather than a one-bite teaser. Costumes let them become their favorite heroes or villains and for those few sugar-fueled hours, it’s their night to take over the streets.

Still, it is also a time of caution for their parents. Studies indicate that rates and risks of falls, self-inflicted injuries, and injuries at the hands of others do appear to spike around Halloween. As with many risks, these can be largely mitigated with a little bit of preparation and an eye toward keeping everyone safe and healthy.

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital has a great list of safety tips on its website designed to do just that. Covering everything from pedestrian safety to alternatives to trick-or-treating, the site lists tips that will help any family let their young ones celebrate Halloween in whatever style they choose.

Among the tips are those related to visibility. As much of the tradition revolves around children walking door-to-door, it’s important that they can be seen by vehicles that are also on the street. Brightly colored costumes aid in this, but the addition of reflective materials will help to ensure that headlights catch a ghost or goblin that has wandered into the path of traffic before tragedy strikes. At the same time, footwear – regardless of costume – should be well-fitted and comfortable to prevent trips and falls just as the costume itself should be cut high enough that it doesn’t risk getting tangled in legs anxiously working to get to the next house.

Take a look at the site for the full list and we wish you and your family a very happy, safe, and sugar-laden Halloween!