A North Dakota couple has filed a Zofran birth defect lawsuit claiming GlaxoSmithKline’s anti-nausea drug caused their child to be born with birth defects. The new filing is just one of a number of similar Zofran lawsuits that both plaintiffs and the defendant are trying to have consolidated into a multi district litigation or MDL.
Zofran is an antiemetic drug approved for use in patients experiencing nausea or vomiting after chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. The drug has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of morning sickness. Nevertheless, a significant portion of Zofran prescriptions are written off-label to pregnant women wishing to curb their nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately for these mothers-to-be, Zofran may be increasing their risk of birth defects. Multiple studies have linked use of Zofran during pregnancy to higher rates of congenital defects in newborns. In light of this and other evidence, many women have filed Zofran birth defect lawsuits, in which they claim GlaxoSmithKline unlawfully promoted Zofran for off-label uses, exposing pregnant mothers to unnecessary risks.
Earlier this year, GlaxoSmithKline requested that at least a dozen pending federal Zofran lawsuits be consolidated in a multidistrict litigation in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
According to the North Dakota Zofran lawsuit, the pregnant mother began taking Zofran in 2007 when it was prescribed to her for morning sickness. The next year, she gave birth to a boy with serious congenital defects. One kidney was missing, and the other was damaged. Furthermore, complications with the connective tissue around his missing kidney made a transplant impossible. The parents seek compensation for past and future medical expenses as well as emotional damage and loss of enjoyment of life for their son.
Let your health care provider know of any concerns you may have about your treatment plan. If you or someone close gave birth to a child with a congenital defect after using Zofran during pregnancy, contact the pharmaceutical lawyers at Lopez McHugh today to schedule a free and discreet legal consultation. Your child may be entitled to compensation in a Zofran birth defect lawsuit.