Product News and Recalls

FDA Launches Project to Check Pharmaceutical Quality

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently announced efforts to improve pharmaceutical quality and to establish an Office of Pharmaceutical Quality. A recent Reuters’ article looks at the FDA’s push to address lapses in quality control by pharmaceutical manufacturers, saying “the FDA has only had a general sense of the state of manufacturing quality at the country’s drugmakers.” According to the story, the FDA aims to have full quantitative information. The new Office of Pharmaceutical Quality will work to oversee drug quality throughout the manufacturing process in addition to the pre-market or post-market checks currently performed by the FDA.

The head of the FDA’s pharmaceuticals division said that they have been planning the project for ten years. They hope the project will establish consistent quality standards for all brand and generic drugs. Pharmaceutical manufacturers will have face tougher scrutiny and will have to communicate more with the agency to receive approval.

Agency data for 2014 showed a record number of drug recalls for the year. In the same year, the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research approved their highest number of drugs since 1996. The agency’s efforts to improve quality control will hopefully provide more comprehensive reviews thereby limiting the need for recalls and adverse effects in patients.

You should always consult a doctor before changing any medications, or if you have any questions about your medical care. The FDA may be taking measures to improve quality in pharmaceutical products, but due to its limited resources, patients, doctors, and lawyers are still the primary force preventing drug manufacturers from cutting corners on patient safety. If you have suffered injury from using prescription drugs, you may be entitled to compensation from the manufacturer. The product liability attorneys at Lopez McHugh, are dedicated to helping people who have been injured by dangerous drugs to receive the settlements they deserve. Contact our office today to schedule a free dangerous drug case evaluation or use our online contact form.