The FDA is tracking distributers who are illegally marketing alternative diabetes treatment. Fifteen companies were identified to be selling misleading dietary supplements as diabetes treatment or selling prescription drugs online without requiring a prescription.
There is concern that patients will take these faulty medicines and neglect professional medical treatment. Diabetes, which interferes with the body’s ability to break down carbohydrates, can put patients at risk of heart attacks, kidney problems, limb amputation, and other potentially fatal complications.
The FDA has issued warnings ordering these companies to stop marketing and selling these products. The FDA commissioner stated, “Consumers who buy violative products that claim to be treatments are not only putting themselves at risk but also may not be seeking necessary medical attention, which could affect their diabetes management.”
Some dietary supplements are claiming to treat diabetes. For example the packaging on the Diabetes Daily Care product which contains cinnamon extract and various herbs claims it, “safely and effectively improves sugar metabolism.” Such claims are prohibited by law because only FDA-approved drugs are permitted to make claims about treating illness.
Other companies and websites are illegally selling prescription drugs such as Januvia. The FDA announced a program to stop illegal online pharmacies last month, confiscating over $41 million in illegal medications.
You should consult with a medical professional before making any changes to your medical treatment. If you or a loved one has suffered a significant injury as a result of false marketing or pharmaceutical fraud, you should consult a Lopez McHugh attorney for a free consultation.