Product News and Recalls

Warning connected to Mirena IUD

According to the Mayo Clinic, Bayer’s Mirena intrauterine device, which is inserted into the uterus for long-term birth control, is the only hormonal IUD with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.

But the Mayo Clinic cautions that it isn’t appropriate for all women, and provides some conditions under which it shouldn’t be used.

The device has generated some health concerns, as evidenced by some lawsuits that users have filed. Plaintiffs claim Bayer overstated the benefits of the devices in its advertising while trying to conceal some potentially dangerous side effects, including the device’s tendency to embed itself in the uterine wall and move from its implantation site, causing organ perforation or scarring.

According to the Mayo Clinic, doctors may discourage use of the Mirena IUDs for people with the following conditions:

  • Breast cancer
  • Uterine or cervical cancer
  • Liver disease
  • Uterine abnormalities such as fibroids
  • A pelvic infection, or have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • Inflammation of the vagina or cervix or a lower genital tract infection
  • Allergies to any component of Mirena
  • A high risk of a sexually transmitted infection
  • Previous problems with an IUD

Patients should consult their doctors before making any changes in their medication. A consultation with a Mirena lawyer is also important if there are significant injuries from Mirena.

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