Posts Tagged 'heart stent'

Spotlight Back on Abbott After Study Reveals Problems with Dissolving Stent

Absorb dissolving stent linked to heart problemsDissolving medical products like stents and sutures are, in theory, a great idea. After all, if a patient can avoid the discomfort and risks that come with additional medical procedures or monitoring, then the benefits seem pretty clear.

The concept behind dissolving medical products is a simple one. After the devices have served their purpose, they simply dissolve over time and are absorbed by the body. If you’ve ever had ...

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Experts Say Heart Stents Used More Often Than Necessary

The New York Times recently reported about studies show that heart stent placement, called an angioplasty, is among the most overused medical interventions. The insertion of a heart stent, a small metal mesh tube that is used to open a narrowed artery, can be lifesaving in emergency situations. However, studies by the American Medical Association and the Joint Commission reported that stents are often implanted in those who gain little, if any, benefit.

Heart stents are sometimes used for ...

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