Posts Tagged 'health care'

What Happens When Going to the Doctor’s Office Means Not Seeing a Doctor

America is running a deficit, but it’s not the budget deficit you often hear about in the news.

No, our deficit involves healthcare providers. By 2020 it is expected that we will have over 20,000 fewer doctors than we need in order to provide quality healthcare to patients. In Pennsylvania alone, there are already over 150 areas that lack access to quality primary care. A combination of aging baby boomers as well as increased access to medical care via the Affordable ...

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Medicare Subsidy Program Found to Be Effective With Breast Cancer Treatment Affordability

A preliminary study, presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Boston, found that a Medicare subsidy program has made it easier for breast cancer patients to continue with the treatment they need. This improvement was found to be constant throughout all demographics and promotes continuation of hormone therapy after surgery. The study, detailed in a Medline Plus article, focused on over 23,000 early stage breast cancer patients.

The group included in ...

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Regular Doctor Visits May Help Keep Blood Pressure Under Control

A recent post on Medline Plus discusses a study published in an October issue of Circulation. The study found that adequate blood pressure control was more likely with patients who made regular trips to the doctor and had medical insurance.

The researchers reviewed data from 1999 to 2012 on the blood pressure check ups of more than 37,000 Americans. They then controlled for factors like diabetes, body fat, and smoking. Even after accounting for these ...

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