Posts Tagged 'aortic aneurysm'

New Study: Fluoroquinolones May Contribute to Aortic Aneurysms

fluoroquinolones linked to aortic aneurysmsIn addition to showing an association between fluoroquinolones and tendon rupture, a new study published by BMJ Open also finds that the popular antibiotics may contribute to aortic aneurysms. Researchers analyzed data from over 1.7 million older adults and observed roughly tripled incidences of tendon rupture and aortic aneurysms in those who took fluoroquinolone (FLQs).

Fluoroquinolones are a widely prescribed type of broad-spectrum antibiotics, used primarily in treating urinary and respiratory ...

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Coalition demands more rigorous FDA screening

A coalition of patient, consumer, and public health groups urged the federal Food and Drug Administration to require more rigorous testing before a medical device used for addressing complications from aneurysm treatments can be sold.

“This decision by FDA sets a bad precedent for approving new devices,” said Lisa McGiffert, Director of Consumers Union’s Safe Patient Project. “Medical devices intended to save lives should require the FDA’s most rigorous safety testing. Bypassing such testing up front can put hundreds of thousands ...

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