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Ventricular septal defect from malformed heart

The U.S. National Library of Medicine describes ventricular septal defect as one or more holes in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of the heart.

It’s one of the most common heart defects that occurs before birth.

According to the National Library, the right and left ventricles of its heart are not separate before a baby is born, but a wall forms to separate the two ventricles as the fetus develops. VSD occurs if the wall does not completely form, leaving a hole.

The condition varies in severity. The baby may have no symptoms, and the hole may eventually close as the wall continues to grow after birth. But if the hole is large, too much blood will be pumped to the lungs, leading to heart failure.

The defect often occurs along with other congenital heart defects, but the cause isn’t yet known, according to the National Library.

Numerous studies have also linked antidepressants categorized as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, with heart and lung defects including ventricular septal defects.

SSRIs include Prozac®, Effexor®, Lexapro®, Celexa® and Zoloft®. You should consult with your doctor before changing medications.

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